
Week 8

Monday April 11th- Today we worked on Envisioneer, to create a house. We also had a lesson on graphic design.

Tuesday April 12th- Today we continued to work on envisioneer.

Wednesday April 13th-  Today we learned how to make basic shapes in rhinoceres.

Thursday April 14th- Absent for a rugby tournament.

Friday April 15th-

Week 7

Mon April 4th- Today we wrote a test on AutoCad and Dimensioning.

Tues. April 5th- Today we posted all incomplete assignments, and watched a movie

Wed April 6th- We finished watching the movie on the structure of the twin towers.

Thursday April 7th- Today we did research on the architectural styles of North America. We had to put information about them onto our blog and their influence.

Friday April 8th- P.A. Day

Week 6

Mon. March 28- Absent.

Tues. March 29- Today we did chapter 5 quizes. After this we had a lecture on dimensioning to sharpen up our knowledge on AutoCad.

Wed. March 30- Absent.

Thur. March 31- Today we started the new unit, and began to design a logo to put on all of our work.

Fri. April 1- Today we finished our logos and posted them onto to our blog.

Week 5

Monday March 21- Today we played cargo bridge

Tuesday March 22- We started the popstick assignment on AutoCad today.

Wednesday March 23- Today was a free day to catch up on incomplete assignments.

Thursday March 24- Today we continued to work on the Popstick assignment for the entire period.

Friday March 25- Today I finished working on my popstick assignment. I also learned how to put it on a template for evaluation.

Week 4

Monday March 8-
Today we did the second part of our test. When we finished we worked on more CADPROblems.

Tuesday March 9-
Today we worked on drawing from different perspectives with pencil on paper.

Wednesday Martch 10th-
Today we received a booklet of sketching problems and continued to work on our sketching.

Thurday March 11th-
Today we posted our work to the blog and started a new CADPROblem figure 2.7

Week 3

Monday February 28-
Today in class we were given a lecture on perspective. We learned about one-point, two-point, and oblique prjection drawings. We posted small descriptions of them on our blog.

Tuesday March 1-
Today we started our project CADProblem 2.7.

Wednesday March 2- Today we studied for our test and did more questions on Autocad to familiarize us with the termanology.

Thursday March 3rd- Today we wrote our autocad test on the computer and emailed it to Mr.D, then we continued to work on CADPROblems

Friday March 4th- Today i continued to work on figure 2.7

Week 2

Monday February 21- Today was a holiday from school.

Tuesday February 22- We Started a 3D tutorial to help us learn how to use the tools on autocad. The tools included the layers, the object snap and the construction lines.

Wednesday February 23- We continued to work on the tutorial.

Thursday February 24- We continued to work on the tutorial.

Friday February 25th- We did mechanical dimensioning test online, and posted them onto our blogs.

Week 1

Monday February 14th-
Today we finished designing our model homes on Goggle Sketchup. It was the final day to add components.

Tuesday February 15th-
Today we were given an Auto Cad Tutorial on Multiview drawings, the Princliples of projection, Orthographic views, and First Angle and Third Angle projection. We started Module 4 in AutoCad and learned the commands trim and offset.

Wednesday February 16th-Through varied small assignments today we learned how to use  the offset and trim commands, and did some exercises with the OSNAP grid command.

Thursday February 17th- I was absent this day.

Friday February 18th- Today we engaged in more diffucult autocad exercises practicing offset and trim. I finished 1.3 and started on 1.6. Later we will add learn how to add dimensions to theses drawings.